Plumber And Plumbing


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Is Your Tap Still Dripping? Then Call Your Plumber Now

If you have a dripping tap now, just think how bad it?s likely to be after the holiday break. Apart from that, think of the environment. Water is the one thing in life we can?t live without.

We can all survive all the other inconveniences for a surprisingly long time; but water isn?t one of them.

Every drip that runs down the drain, unused and unwanted, is like a nail into your coffin. Here in Australia, we are suffering a prolonged and worsening drought.

The City of Brisbane is now on severe water restrictions where people can?t even water their pot plants unless they have saved the water in a bucket or from their washing machines.

You know when you go to have a shower and you have to let the water run until the temperature gets to the right warmth? Well, it?s this water that is now watering pot-plants in Brisbane homes.

If you think that?s crook ~ just wait and watch what will be happening if we don?t get the rain next March-April. Many people will be leaving the city in droves; hordes of people having to leave their homes. Just think of what is likely to happen to the Real Estate prices?

Just thinking about worst case scenarios right now gives me the shivers!

And you want to know the worst truth? Brisbane is not the only city in Australia this is happening to. All around the Country, North to South, East to West ~ there?s a water crisis.

Australia and the United States have roughly the same land-mass. If you can imagine a water shortage from the Canadian border to the Mexican border, from Boston to Seattle, Miami to San Diego and everywhere in between, then you can get some idea of the affected area.

And some people still have dripping Taps! I shudder to think of the outcry they will raise when it finally dawns that hey ~ where did all the water go?

OK, apart from that if you don?t live in Australia, and you aren?t currently suffering a drought; but are your Taps still dripping? Or do you have a toilet that constantly runs?

If so, don?t you think a Plumber might be a good investment about now before the extended family arrives for the holidays and increases demand on your facilities?

It?s not going to get any better when there is a heavier load put on the services; and if you have to call a Plumber out over the Christmas / New Year break because you didn?t get the problem fixed before the holidays started ~ don?t you think he should be entitled to charge an exorbitant charge for his services?

Or will you complain if s/he does? Hardly fair, Um? I mean, how would you feel about having your Christmas dinner spoilt by being called to someone?s crisis because they couldn?t be bothered to have something fixed prior to the holidays? Believe me, I?d be charging for every mouthful of Turkey missed.

Love and respect your environment enough to care for it and about it. Plumbers do a mighty job in protecting the only thing you can?t live without. Showing contractors how to make more money ~ working less hours!

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