Plumber And Plumbing


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Plumbing Trade School

If you have a hankering to be wanted, then maybe plumbing is for you. It's one of those professions that most people can't imagine being without. And even if you think that plumbing isn't that important, one thing's for sure - when someone needs a plumber, they REALLY need a plumber! For most people, until the plumber arrives, they're left with what's likely to be a rather unpleasant problem to deal with. So if you want to feel appreciated for what you do, plumbing is a good choice.

One of the good things about plumbing as a career is the fact that it's not a job that's going to disappear overnight because of some new advance in technology. It's always going to be in demand. Most plumbers are entitled to belong to a labor union of some sort, which means that minimum wages and benefits are guaranteed, and you can be reasonably confident about what you can earn. With plumbers in short supply, it's quite possible that you can do much better than the minimums, and have reasonable job security as well.

So what do you need to do if you want to become a plumber? Well, the first step is to go to plumbing school. This usually takes 2 years, and you can attend either a community or a technical college. The usual qualification is an associate's degree in plumbing, and you may find that you have to gain this qualification in order to join the union.

At plumbing school you will be shown many different types of problems, and given instruction on how to deal with them. These include both residential and commercial property plumbing problems. Your course will start with classroom studies, together with other plumbing students, but over time you will generally end up spending time with a professional plumber as an apprentice, so that you can get some hands on experience. Often it's this real life training that will teach you the most.

If you want to train as a plumber, get in touch with your local college to see what courses they offer, or else spend some time online looking for plumbing trade schools. As a successful plumber you will always know you're wanted and appreciated!

If you want to find out more about plumbing trade schools, click over to Gordon's site at

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