Plumber And Plumbing


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Plumbers and their Mates

Plumbers today are usually far too busy to take time out of their busy work schedule to learn new marketing methods. Yet when a quiet time comes, they often don?t know how to advertise their services better.

Or how to market their capabilities better and put themselves on the tendering lists for those bigger and sometimes more profitable jobs.

Yet on a jobsite, they usually have a radio on and are listening to either a talk-back programme or music. Yet they could be listening to audio books to learn while they earn.

Up until recently, audio books comprised of a broad subject range have not been available. But now they can all be downloaded off the Internet and listened to at their leisure or while earning.

When a Plumbers work quietens down, they usually approach their mates. This has worked well and will continue to work well for the foreseeable future. But they aren?t always the best paying work a plumber could be doing.

Yet if he was to learn a few new methods and ideas, a plumber could be joint venturing on a range of much bigger jobs. It all comes down to ?know-how?.

There are some books that have been read for the past 60 years and are just as applicable today as when they were first released. This ?evergreen? book subject is still as applicable today because people haven?t changed.

To market well, a Plumber needs to have a very broad understanding of people and what makes them tick. He needs to know so much more than just ?how-to? Plumb well.

So now he can listen to an audio book to learn more as he earns. Marketing info has never been as available as it is today. From Huckleberry Finn to Hanoi ~ Audiobooks are here for you to Enjoy!

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