Green Plumbing - Rain And Grey Water Harvesting, Solar Hot Water Systems - Melbourne, Australia
With increasing climatic condition change and prolonged drought conditions in Ausralia, many people are trying to save water and energy on the dryest inhabited continent on earth. The buildings in which we live, work and play, protect us from the elements but also shape the environment around us. The construction and operation of buildings requires a huge input of resources. The location of buildings and what resources are used affects the ecosystem in a number of ways. As the environmental impact of buildings becomes more apparent people are looking for ways that can significantly decrease this impact and make their homes and offices healthier to live and work in.
Some of the biggest long-term challenges facing our nation are securing sustainable water and power suppliers for our future and reducing the production of greenhouse gases to limit the impact of climate change.
We live on the driest inhabited continent on earth, yet are one of the highest per capita consumers of water. Melbourne is experiencing the lowest level of water supply in many years. Yet we each consume, on average, 400 litres of water every day.
Many people assume that we are in a current state of drought and that when the drought breaks we will have adequate amounts of water to go back to using it like we have in the past. However, this is not the full story. Australia has always had little rainfall and as our population increases so will pressure on water and power. We can all make an individual difference that will assist this nation in its endeavours.
Strategies that can be employed include installing rain water tanks, grey water irrigation systems, solar hot water systems, solar heating and other water and energy conserving means. To assist, the State Governments have included rebates for water saving devices in their strategies.
Sustainable Plumbing P/L is a Melbourne leader in the field of green plumbing and works with other partners such as specialist sustainable landscape architects and designers to achieve aesthetic design with these sustainable water and solar strategies
Rain water tanks and harvesting, grey water irrigation systems, solar hot water systems, solar heating and other water and energy conserving means in Melbourne, Australia.
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